What is Ericksonian Hypnosis?

Ericksonian Hypnosis is a modified state of consciousness, which allows access to the unconscious. It is a natural state that occurs several times a day in each of us, whenever we are absorbed in our thoughts.
Milton Erickson said that: the Unconscious is a reservoir of experience and wisdom which can constitute a fertile ground in potential solutions for our problems.

Hypnotherapy is a natural therapy, at no time do you lose control of yourself.
Accessible to all, children, teenagers, adults or seniors.

Ericksonian Hypnosis helps you, using your own resources, to do THE CHANGE you want .

The therapist with his knowledge guides you by providing you with all the necessary resources to allow you to live your life better. As Milton Erickson said "Everyone has within them the resources necessary to live a good life". But the real change is you who do it to yourself .

According to Shakespeare: "we know what we are but we don't know what we can become" and we can change our lives by changing our ways of thinking.

Fields of Application

The work that we will do together implies that you are motivated, serious, regular, and that you do not expect from hypnotherapy a miracle that it cannot promise you. It is under these conditions that one can be really surprised by the effectiveness of this method.

At the physical level: on psychosomatic manifestations, pain management, dermatological disorders, preparation for childbirth, etc.

At the behavioral level: addictions (tobacco, alcohol, diet, etc.), management of excess and weight loss, preparation and improvement of the quality of sleep, physical recovery for athletes, shyness, phobias, bruxism, etc.

At the level of personal and emotional development: management of stress and emotions (fear, anxieties, etc.), preparation for competitions, exams, job interviews, support during a career change, self-confidence and self-esteem, development of creativity...

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